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Garden Tour FAQs

How much are tickets and where do I buy them?

Tickets are $10. There is no charge for children under 14.


Tickets can be purchased in advance at:

Ace Hardware, 1025 N Arlington Avenue

Black Sheep Gifts, 5626 E Washington Street

Bona Thompson Center, 5350 University Avenue


Tickets can be purchased the day of the tour at:

All garden tour sites

Benton House, 312 S. Downey Avenue

Irvington Methodist Church, 30 North Audubon Road


If you are buying your ticket on the day of the tour, we accept cash or checks only. No credit or debit cards, please.


Will the tour be affected by road closures near Ellenberger Park?

Your tour ticket will include a detailed map and instructions for how to navigate road closures.


Will there be food available?

The Solo Pizza food truck will be parked outside the Bona Thompson from 1 to 4 pm the day of the tour. You can also stop by the Strawberry Festival at Irvington Methodist Church for strawberry shortcake.



Is this a guided tour? 

This is a self-guided tour. You can visit the gardens in any order you choose and at any time during the tour. The back of your ticket includes a map of garden sites. 


Is it a walking tour?

You can certainly choose to walk; however, the gardens are spread widely throughout Irvington, so it may save time for you to drive or bicycle. The map on the back of your ticket includes a suggested driving route.


What about parking?

Street parking is available near the garden sites. 


Do I have to visit the gardens in any certain order?

No. You can visit the gardens in any order you choose.


What if it rains?

The tour is held rain or shine.


Are the gardens handicapped accessible?

This will vary depending on the site. Most sites are accessible; however, some may have uneven ground or hills. Property owners will be available at each garden to address any concerns.


Besides getting to tour gardens, do I get anything else with my ticket?

Yes! Your ticket entitles you to select one free plant for your own garden. These plants are donated by members of the Irvington Garden Club. Plants can be picked up at the Bona Thompson Center, 5350 East University. We recommend you go early for the best selection.


In addition to a free plant, you can enter a raffle for a door prize. Simply fill out the entry form included with your ticket and drop it in one of the raffle boxes at the tour sites. Prize winners will be contacted after the tour.

© 2020 by Irvington Garden Club

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